Monday 21 November 2011

How Many Members does SVC Actually Represent?

One of the reasons Judge Godbey cited for denying the Motion to Intervene is that the Stanford Victims Coalition claims to represent 4,000 members in 50 countries.

As an investor who once joined the SVC forum, and hence became an SVC member, I have not been informed by the SVC I am no longer a member, yet have received no communications from the SVC for at least 18 months.

How many more of us are there who joined the SVC via it's forum but have been effectively dis-communicated?

If there are any other SVC members who have not received regular communications for some considerable time, please reply to this thread on the Stanford Victims Forum at: or post your name in the comments section here on the blog.

Please take the time to respond as it may be important.


Senior member
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 5:15 pm

Hi Richard
Like you I was an SVC member, and have not heard from them for a long time.

Senior Member
Posted Nov 17, 2011

I also joined the SVC long time ago and I'm thinking seriously I'm still a member of it. Never have been informed the contrary by dear Angel

The Admin Stanford International Victims Forum
Fri 18th Nov:

I also was a member of SVC. However I dont receive any newsletter since almost 2 years ago.

Anyway, there is an Email from Angela where she wrote she does not represent any longer the international victims...

Please do not forget that in the old Forum there was plenty of SPAM done by "registered members". Those members were never deleted, therefore the number of "registered members" in the old forum grow up until reach more than 4.000 "members". There you have the so called by Angela: "Representation of more than 4.000 victims"

We need to stop all this lies and manipulation!

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:16 pm

I was also a SVC member. When the forum was "desactivated" Angela stopped sending the bulletins by email or any information . Definitely I am clear she and SVC doesn't represent me. I also wrote to her a letter asking for answers, I am still waiting for a response. I have the feeling that we were useful for her original purposes and now we are disposables.


Junior member
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 4:19 am

I can write the same. I did not receive any response from Angela, Mr. Little (suppose to keep the victims informed), nor Dr. Peter.

The old forum was shut down to keep most of the victim outside any discussion or information; in that way "they" can do whatever they want for their own benefit.

Junior member
Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:00 pm

Afternoon Everyone
Yes we are also in the same position. Joined at the very beginning but have received no communication for at least 18 months


Junior member
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011 7:45 am

Also a member of SVC but no newlsetters for around 18 months ..... and I had previously made a donation to the group towards an open letter in a USA newspaper.

I guess I am not surprised by Shaw's actions. I have learned a lot about human behaviour in the last few years.

Senior member
Posts: 663
Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:32 pm

Count me in, Angela decided a long time ago that she did not want me to know what she was doing.

And this is why we need signatures on the petition, to show we are not just one or two disgruntled victims (as Judge Godbey said) but that there are hundreds of us and that we have been ignored and disenfranchised by Angela and the committee.


Stanfords Nemesis
Senior member
Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2011

Count me in, I also seen to be persona non grata. Have not received anything from SVC for nearly 2 years. Guess we were all taken for a ride by Angela to make up the numbers so she could “appear” to be representing many when in fact she represented few. Once on the committee her true motives came out and she sent the letter saying she would only represent the Americans. Why am I not surprised?


  1. SVC has never represented the Latin Americans who make up the majority of the victims. Is this judge blind he cannot see the injustice.

    Angela Shaw said she represented us when she wanted to get on the committee, now she is there we see she represents ONLY the Americans and the rest of us can go to hell!

  2. Same here, joined SVC at the very beginning have not heard from them in 18 months, Angela said they will appoint a representative for LA victims that will get in touch with all LA victims registered in SVC, still waiting on that one....

  3. It is so depressing, almost three years later it has become evident the corruption present in the US government....Stanford's trial has not even started, after all he is the only one that knows how our savings vanished.
    It must be very difficult to spend, loose or hide 7.2 billion dollars by a single person...whom else is responsible of such atrocity?.. Stanford himself? the SEC?, US government officials?
    God have Mercy and help us all innocent victims !!!
