Sunday 17 June 2012

Statement from Grant Thornton

Dear SIB Depositor:

We noted with great interest the 110 year sentence given to Robert Allen Stanford yesterday. While this sentence does not begin to make up for the pain and suffering that you have experienced, we are confident that justice has been served at least in that regard. We remain committed, as the Joint Liquidators of the Stanford International Bank, to run the Estate as efficiently and effectively as possible. We are working hard to marshal and liquidate assets and pursue claims on your behalf. Our goal is to make a prompt and fair interim distribution to you as soon as possible and hopefully by as early as September 30 of this year if we can convince the US Department of Justice to drop their freeze on the funds in Europe and Canada.
As always, please direct your questions to us at:

Marcus Wide and Hugh Dickson, SIB Joint Liquidators

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